Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fall is Here


Fall is definitely here in Colorado.  The trees are changing beautifully, which makes my commute to school enjoyable.  Hopefully I can snap a picture this next week.  I started school back in August and it is great!  I love it and look forward what new things we will learn each week.  Things have been really busy for us recently.  My husband is busily teaching, our little guy is in preschool and our daughter is growing like a weed and learning new stuff everyday.  This last week she has started saying "bubble" and anytime she sees bubbles she says it.  

A recent thing I have tried are DoTERRA oils, they are fantastic!  They have helped me feel better when I have been sick, along with my kiddos and mom.  They smell fantastic and are useful for so many things.  Also, I have been teaching Zumba since June and it has been going pretty well.  I am glad to be teaching on a regular basis and just last month I got certified to teach Aqua Zumba!  I can't wait to teach it! 

Overall, life is going well and school is awesome!  Oh, something else exciting right now is, my sister got engaged last week and yesterday asked me to be her matron of honor!  I am really excited for her and her fiancĂ©e!

Well, that's it for a short update.  Will try to have more posts soon!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Short Recap


I knew it had been a long time since I blogged, but didn't realize a whole year and a few months have past.  A lot has happened in that time.  My husband and I welcomed our beautiful and spunky daughter Eleanora into the world on Monday, April 30, 2012.  I will have to do another post about her learning and growing for the past year.  Our son has been in preschool for a year and a half already.  Again, I will have to do a post about our little guy, he has made some great strides in this last year!  I have been going to school and took 2 semesters of American Sign Language and loved it!

Now, starting on August 19th I will start at Morgan Community College for the Physical Therapy Assistant program.  I have anxiously waited to start for the last 2 years and finally get to!  It will be two years, but I can hardly wait and know it is going to be challenging and awesome.  Another new thing for me is, I am teaching my own Zumba classes now!  I started on July 3rd and love it!  There is more work to do than I anticipated, but it is great and getting me in shape.  Also, I have started doing yoga on a regular basis, it helps me stretch out my muscles and relax.

My husband will start teaching at a community college next month.  I am really excited for him, he is a great teacher!

Also, I am not set for sure, but am considering revamping my blog and focusing more on health, nutrition, autism and some family stuff sprinkled in. 

So, that's the most recent stuff.  I will have to do a more lengthy post later on . . .

Here are some photos of us

Family Picture Christmas 2012
Eleanora Elizabeth being held in her daddy's arm (this is one of my all time favorite pictures, ever)

Holding our bundle of joy after she was born

Rylan and Eleanora as "Calvin and Hobbes" for Halloween

Rylan last Spring

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Good News About PTA School

Last month I applied to PTA school in Ft. Morgan, I recently checked on my application and found out that I am on the waiting list for the program!  It's not quite as exciting as receiving an acceptance letter, but it still made me really happy!  So, being on the waiting list means that if there is someone who cannot do the program this fall, I will hopefully get the open slot.  If not, it will be one more year and that would be okay too.  There are still a couple of classes I can take while I wait and can have more time with my kiddos.  So, that's the update on school and I am currently working on my observation hours.  I really am enjoying them and have over 50 hours done of the 100 hours needed.  I can't wait to get into the program though and actually be able to do some hands on learning! 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Brief Update for the last Six Months

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I updated my blog.  Life has been quite busy since October, we finished last semester and enjoyed a pretty relaxing Christmas break.  My baby bump really began to show during break. . .at least I thought it did.  Then my son started preschool two days after his birthday and I went back to school for this semester.  Rylan has been doing fantastic in school, it was definitely an adjustment, but has been so helpful for him.  He went from using 5 signs or so, to 14-15 signs in 3 months!  It has been so nice to have him know more sign language and being able to communicate more.

My hubby is in school and it seems to be going well, I think he and are both ready for the semester to be done though.  I am really ready for this semester to be done. . .not because of school though.  We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl!  She is due April 30th, so only two weeks and one day. . .I am hoping she comes before her due date though.  I am ready for her to be her and not be pregnant anymore!  It's been a great pregnancy, but I am ready to hold her and see what she looks like!  Throughout my pregnancy I have been told I don't really look that pregnant, it makes me giggle a little.  Especially considering how huge I was with Rylan!  I have been enjoying not being HUGE and having been quite active and more comfortable this time.  I am starting to have some days where it's hard to get comfortable sitting, standing, etc. but those days shouldn't be too much longer and I will get to hold our little bundle of joy!

That's a pretty brief update for the last six months, I am hoping to be better about blogging and keeping up to date.  To bring this blog post to a close, here are few prego pictures my sister took for us.  :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Clean House!

One of the many things on my goals list is to organize our house and I got a little closer to that goal this weekend.  I am having some ladies over to my house tonight for a jewelry party and definitely did not want my house a mess!  I talked to my husband the night I booked the party and told him we have to do some major cleaning before the party.  He said "okay, we can do that".  So, the last week and a half flew by and our house hadn't seen much improvement.  Friday, I told him we really need to clean this weekend and "I have an idea. . .how about you do the kitchen (including the fridge, which I'm pretty sure was growing stuff in the empty crisper drawers, eew!) and bathrooms and I'll do the rest".  He said "okay, that works" and it actually worked great!  I didn't have to ask him once to load or unload the dishwasher, he did it all by himself!!!  I was thrilled and felt like we were doing teamwork even though we weren't working side by side together.  So, most our house is clean. . .there's still our bedroom to finish.  I can't complain though I am sooo happy with the way the house looks and really want to keep it up.  It will really make life much easier and make me less grumpy, that's always a plus especially for my hubby.  Well off to do some prep work for dinner and tonight's party!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Time Flies. . .

Life has been busy the last month and a half, I didn't even realize that is has been about that long since I last posted.  School started for both my husband and I, Rylan went back to part time daycare, PT hours started, and I go to Zumba 4 times a week.  That's just the every week stuff, plus my hubby works full time.  We also have another new adventure starting, I am currently 10 weeks pregnant!  I will have to say it's going good so far, but I sure get tired some days and do have random cravings off and on. 

School is going well, I have two professors that I really like.  They are both helpful and friendly.  A & P is really enjoyable so far and Interpersonal Comm. is not bad either.  Learning some interesting things about how communication works.  PT stuff is fantastic, I am really enjoying getting to observe different patients.  I think I have definitely found what I want to do!

Rylan has been doing well, but keeping us busy for sure.  We had suspected for quite sometime, but got an official diagnosis of Autism in August.  His schedule seems almost as crazy as my husband's or mine, as he has therapy four times a week with therapists.   Also, he has therapy days with Grandma and me, so his therapy is on going off and on every day. 

Zumba is awesome as usual.  I have had some nights where I just didn't feel good enough to go, thanks to nausea.  I'm hoping the nausea is almost gone though, it's been a good week of hardly any.

Last but not least for current updates, is we are going to have a BABY in April!!!  We are really excited and a little scared too, but I think that naturally comes with it.  As mentioned above I have been nauseous and not just a little, we're talking almost everyday for the last 2 and 1/2 months.  It seems to be getting better, guess we'll just see how it goes.  Fortunately I haven't thrown up at all, did that pretty much every day with Rylan for 3 and 1/2 months.  I'd honestly rather not have either, but not much I can do about it.  Something else exciting about the baby, is our first prenatal appt. is in a week and a half!  I'm ready to get an official due date, hopefully hear the heart beat and an ultrasound!

Well I think that's all the excitement of late. . .stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School's Coming Up!

School starts in less than week.  I am quite looking forward to it and this semester I have daytime classes, hooray!  After the summer off I am ready to get back into the school schedule.  This semester is going to be a little crazy, but good.  The classes I am taking are Anatomy and Physiology II and Interpersonal Communication.  A & P is a hard class, but you learn all sorts of cool stuff about the human body.  Not sure what the Interpersonal Comm. class will be like, but my hubby has a masters in communications, so I can get help from him if need be.  Then on top of taking classes, I am going to be observing physical therapy at an outpatient clinic here in town and am planning on starting my Zumba classes in the next month or two.  Life will be pretty busy, but it'll be nice to have a routine again.